<h1 id="name">Reece</h1>

<p class="intro">A Web Developer with experience in Graphic Design. Building applications and making them look good.</p>

<h2 class="title">About Me</h2>

<p class="bio">I currently work full time as a Front-End Developer. My previous experience comes from my background as a Graphic Designer and working as a Web/Design Assistant.</p>

<p class="bio">I am a graduate of the full-stack Web Development program, BrainStation, Toronto CA. I decided to make a career change when I discovered Web Development during my role as a Web/Design Assistant. From here on, I have been fully focused on learning and progressing my skills as a developer. My experience in design and my attention to detail also allows me to put together consistent and visually clean applications.</p>

<h2 class="title">Skills</h2>

<li class="skill">HTML</li>

<li class="skill">CSS</li>

<li class="skill">Javascript</li>

<li class="skill">C#</li>

<li class="skill">SASS</li>

<li class="skill">React</li>

<li class="skill">Node JS</li>

<li class="skill">Express</li>

<li class="skill">.NET Core</li>

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<h2 class="title">Projects</h2>

<h2 class="title">Message Me</h2>